Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Strawberry Lemonade

So Les,

I know what you're supposed to do when life hands you lemons.  Make lemonade.  But what are you supposed to do when your mother-in-law hands you strawberries?  So very many strawberries?  3 lbs. of strawberries?

It's all my own fault.  When she asked if I wanted some, I told my mother-in-law sure, and I'd take whatever she could buy for a dollar.  Apparently your buck goes a long way at the farmers' market.  And now my fridge is overflowing with berries.  Baker doesn't eat fruit, and Sally's too small for them, so what to do now?  I'm thinking of freezer jam, but that sounds awfully domestic.  Can you outsource a jam maker?

I wish I had an Oompa-Loompa right about now.  (I'd prefer the 1971 version over 2005, if I had the choice.)  You'd think that having a pastry chef in the house would be enough, but no.  I'm still dreaming of a little culinary helper.

What are you wishing for today?

Strawberry kisses, Crystal


  1. Popsicles! Make popsicles and share with me.

  2. Now I want strawberries! I could eat all of those strawberries in 3 days! I'd also like a goose that lays golden eggs.
