Thursday, October 27, 2011


I'm not the only person that blog stalks and then feel terrible about myself right?  Is this an old conversation that has been discussed for so long that I don't hear about it anymore?  Or has everyone in the blogging world stepped up their life to the high expectations of perfection in love, family, and adventure? 

Its not just blogs or even facebook, its the whole Europian American time frame fixation of doing.  We must always be doing something, it's expected of each of us.  When we see someone we ask "What have you been up to?" or "How are you doing?"

In my mind, chunks of time go by in weekly intervals.  Every week I make sure I have some sort of doing prepared.  A tidbit of activity that I can offer up to the masses that want to compare and contrast my activities vs. his or hers.  

Did you know, In the Chinese culture time is looked at differently, while I look at a weekly calender a person in China is looking at the Year of The Rabbit.  Long term accomplishments are valued and there is no pressure to fill a day with a million things because a day is just a day and the larger goal of a well spent year is more important.

Probably moving to China,


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Near Death Experience

I went to sleep last night and felt as safe as you can while living in a NYC Apartment on the wrong side of the island.  I set all three locks on our door.  checked all the windows and i even looked under the bed.  I crawled into bed next to Rafael and fell asleep ready for sweet dreams.  Then like a shot of lightning a loud growl swept over me.  I sat up in alarm, an intruder was in the house.  I ran to the bathroom, leaving Raf to whatever fate would meet him there.  I shut the door behind me in the restroom and flicked on the lights.  I was not alone in the room, the intruder fallowed me in and there was no way to escape now.  For the next three hours I struggled to survive.  It was my will against the intruder and the intruder was winning.  

The truth is, I ate, and ate is not the word for it, gulped, inhaled, attacked a pizza!  After eating nothing but vegetables for two weeks my body went into war mode with the amount of cheese and bread I ate in a matter of minutes.  To avoid being too graphic lets just say I was multitasking the toilet and garbage can at the same time.  Eventually I fell asleep on the cold tiled floor until I woke up with my arm and the toes on my left foot still asleep a few hours later.

Why was I only eating vegetables?  Cause of a Documentary of course, check it out if you dare.