Saturday, June 25, 2011

Makeup Vs. The Morning

Hi Cryztel,

When I go to work I don't try, I work in a little office and I only see a handful of people and it's so casual there, the best I can do for them is, maybe, a little bit of left over mascara from the night before.  sometimes I straiten my bangs but the recent humidity means my hair is in a bun plopped on top of my noggin.

For the first six months I was okay with this, most of the people I work with are not really trying to impress anyone either.  But then, Sandra was hired.  Sandra is like the Heidi Klum of co-workers.  She has beautiful blond locks, (the before mentioned humidity has no effect on her perfectly placed curls) great clothes, perfect figure, amazing makeup, and a personality that makes me seem dull.

When she walks through the door in the morning I do a quick assessment sweep and she has everything checked off on her beauty list.  I look at my reflection in the monitor and notice something in my teeth.  I run   to the bathroom and think about how tomorrow is a new day. I resolve to apply mascara, I will pick an outfit that flatters, and I WILL do something with my hair.  But, 6:30AM falls on me like a swift sword and all of my big beauty plans are sliced away as I rush out the door in the morning.  I really like Sandra, of course, I also like the sun, but that doesn't mean I would feel comfortable standing right next to either one.