Dear Lesl,
One time I texted you and told you that if you don't write back immediately, I just assume you're in the subway and that you'll write back shortly. You laughed, but the truth is, I think about your life a lot. I know what it was like when you lived in Arizona, and I know what it was like when I was there last spring and you were in vacation-mode. But here's how I picture your day-to-day in New York.
When you wake up, Rafael has already left for work. But you're not lonely; your cats are tumbled in bed with you. You, Kelly, and Whicket head to the kitchen, where you make a heart-healthy breakfast involving spinach puree, maybe like a smoothie. When it's time to get dressed, you reach into your giant wardrobe and pull out a bright ensemble, with a scarf to sass things up.

You head to work on the subway, confident, like a true metropolite
*. You dish out directions and insider information to tourists, in between songs by the mariachi band on the train. You get to work and guess what? You have the best job ever! You've always wanted to work in the entertainment industry, and you're pretty much there, at your NYC tour company. You man the tour bus and introduce little old ladies to their favorite, former TV stars. You're so clever that people burst into applause every time you speak. A handsome British stranger offers to buy you lunch (and maybe more), but you decline so graciously that he thinks he's Hugh Grant.
After a rewarding day of work, you head home to Raf. You've picked up an organic pizza on the way home from work, and you two cozily cuddle up to watch the scene from your balcony, since there's always something going on at Central Park. Tonight, maybe, a jazz band is playing. And although you're a small-town girl at heart, you're sure loving these picturesque days.
Am I at all close? -Crystal
* I may have made this word up.