Saturday, August 13, 2011

Things I Say in my Sleep

Hi Les, You may remember a conversation we had today.  In fact, I'm sure you remember it better than I do. This afternoon, I received the following text message from you:  "Bhah hahahaaaaa!  I am so sorry!"

Sorry about what?  This was clearly a response to something I had said earlier.  But, what?  I had to go back to my original message to you.  Imagine how silly I felt when I found these crazy messages I sent you.

"I just woke up from a dream where I was in NY at the laundromat and this guy wanted to hassle me for my quarters so he could go buy meth.  I got scared and started being nice to him and then everything turned around and he told me he was really a tranny named Janet and invited me to come see his band play.  He played the saw.

"The whole time I was thinking, if Leslie would just buy a house with a washer and dryer, this wouldn't be happening to me!"

I don't remember sending those texts.  Or even having that dream.  Which leads me to my confession of the day:  Sometimes I text in my sleep.

Avoiding the laundry at all costs, Crystal


  1. Wow, a sleep-text is a rare treat I think! I wish I could get one from you.

  2. WHAT!!!!! How can you text in your sleep! This is CRAZY!!!! I yell, push, steal pillows and blankets in my sleep but I have never texted!


  3. I say this is definitely all Leslie's fault. If she didn't have to go to the laundromat, you wouldn't be so worried about her, hence, the sleep texting wouldn't occur.....or....would it?
