Thursday, August 4, 2011

So, we're cancelling our cable TV.  I know what you're thinking.  "But Crystal, you live for TV.  You LOVE TV.  Remember when you were 12 and you were always writing in your journal about how much you loved 'The Simpsons'?"  True, very true, but I also love movies.  Cinema.  And I have an extensive collection and I think I can rely on that to help curb my television appetite.

There are some movies in my library that, well, I think they make me a better person by watching them.  Not "better" in the I'm-improving-my-mind-and-soul way, more like they make me feel like a superior breed of movie watcher.  They're little sparkling jewels that I hoard up in my judgmental mind.  I'm cooler than the average blockbuster bear because I know and love them.  The types of movies I'm talking about: Everything is Illuminated, The Royal Tenenbaums, Lars and the Real Girl, I Heart Huckabees.

But when I really got down to it...  There's also a lot to be ashamed of in my movie collection.  Like all these titles I used to love as a kid, but know better than to watch them now.  Yet still feel compelled to own, just in case I'm overcome with the need to see a flick from 1990.  Joe vs. the Volcano.  My Blue Heaven.

The Wedding Planner.  I think I'm addicted to this movie.  I'm not proud.  What happened was, I had a roommate who watched this movie every single Sunday morning for years.  So it's programmed into my Sunday psyche.  But.  No good.  (Judy Greer is freaking adorable, though.  I love her always.)

Lonesome Dove.  I love the book.  I love the movie.  I can't help but feel romantic about the wild west.  And Ricky Schroder is one cute cowboy.  Did I ever tell you I know him?  Nope.  'Cuz I don't.  But my friend's sister's friend knows his wife, so you can see we're closely connected.

I have lots of other secrets buried in my movie drawer.  Maybe next time you're in town, I'll let you take a peek.  You might just see something you love to hate.  Like David Bowie in tights.

Dance magic dance, Crystal


  1. I LOVE David Bowie he is my favorite childhood boyfriend and when I saw this prediction of the now future I realized what a visionary he was, like most geniuses he was never fully appreciated in his time! My question for you is what movies are going to be passed down to Sally? Joe Vs the Volcano HAS to be one of them!

  2. Crystal,
    I am jealous that I have not seen any of those movies that make you superior! I am so lame! I am a lame movie watcher! I am a rare movie (or tv) watcher, and that makes me a media bore. But, something that does not make me lame, is that I know exactly what movie that picture of David Bowie is from. And, what makes it even better, is that I know that that is one of Leslie's childhood boyfriends. She always had this love for the eccentric. Some other's I'd like to reveal to you....Michael Jackson, and Robert Downey Jr. She was a visionary I tell you! Even at a young age!
